Chan Handpan

Ouch, when I think about it, I really feel … overwhelmed !!! For good reason …

Not long ago, I discovered an artist and I couldn’t wait to share him with a friend. Armed with the CD of the artist in question and getting into this friend’s vehicle, I admit having searched for a few seconds for the CD player …

A neighboring sneer made me understand that it was a waste of time:

– There are no Cd players in recent cars, the man I still call « my friend » chuckled.

Instead and apart from Bluetooth, a simple USB socket acted as a link with the outside world! Unfortunately, the car manufacturer gave no more choice!

– It’s progress, my neighbor adds!

I, who adore the Cd object, do not quite share this definition of progress. But that’s another story.

After all, the most important thing is that « THE BEAUTIFUL » can reach our ears …

In any case, if you have a recent vehicle 🙂 or if the CD is no longer part of your life, we have set up only for you and those who support this musical project, an offer of the album « Awid Aman ”in digital: >> CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER IT.

Have a great day.

See you soon.


© Chan Handpan 2020

