Chan Handpan

RECEIVE Shab Nador + 4 other tracks FOR FREE

« Gently, during a delicate ballad, “Awid Aman”, here it is, which brings us a little of this water necessary for life, of this liquid so precious that we sometimes forget its value. And if, by necessity, we do not necessarily understand the words that carry this message, there is one thing that remains universal when listening to this title with aerial contours, the pure emotion that we feel leaving with him to make this beautiful immobile trip … « BAWARE (04/03/2020)

« The French artist Chan Handpan with a composition which is reminiscent of the depth of soul of the Armenian artist Levon Minassian for his spiritual approach. The rich arrangements revolve around handpan from the hands of this skillful musician who is visibly inspired. A sound that refreshes the mind of the listener who can drink.  » Boulimique de musique (04/29/2020)

